There’s No “Right Way” To Feel About A Pregnancy Test. Here’s How 5 Women Processed Their Results.


Everyone has their own little story to share when it comes to that first moment when you discover you are pregnant.

It can be a short story when you didn’t realize you were naughty but aunt flow didn’t show up and sent three pink lines instead. Or it can be a very long painful wait when you circled the date on your calendar and waited patiently either for a “very planned” positive or for a “oh i hope” negative.

Either way, if you like a good pregnancy test story, check out these 5 curated stories of women taking their pregnancy tests.

“When I was twenty-five, I got a false positive after taking a test with my boyfriend. I was hyperventilating and freaking out. In reality, I may have messed up how I took the test so it came back positive, but I had a total meltdown. He went to the store to buy another one, and when it was negative, it was the best feeling in the world.

“I wanted it to be negative because I was young and I was still focused on my career. I wasn’t ready to have a kid and I wasn’t sure I could handle an abortion — though I know it’s the right choice for a lot of women. And on top of all of that, I wasn’t sure how I could pay for an abortion — let alone a child.

“I don’t consider myself particularly traditional, but I also always wanted to get married before having kids. My partner was very supportive at the time, so that wasn’t an issue. But now in my thirties, I’m considering freezing my eggs. I’ve developed a whole new relationship with fertility. And even so, I’m still relieved those tests were negative way back then. It was the best thing for me at the time.”

Read more stories at the link below…

Image sourced from the Original article

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