Overweight and pregnant?

Have you always been a little overweight and freaking out imagining how you’ll end up like a watermelon now that you pregnant? Take it from experts, now is not the time to be hard on yourself. Normal weight gain is healthy and necessary in any pregnancy for the healthy growth of your baby. You need […]
Ashley Graham Proud Of Stretch Marks In Post-Baby Bikini Bod Pics

Ashley Graham is one hot mama! The model proudly showed off her bikini bod stretch marks and all just six months after giving birth to her son Isaac. “Some things I love: a cute bathing suit and a backyard shoot with the family!” Ashley captioned a series of bikini shots on Instagram. “We’ve had such […]
Risk of teenage pregnancies highlighted in a Philippines study

In July 2019, the Commission on Population (Popcom) stated that around 196,000 Filipinos between the ages of 15 and 19 years old get pregnant each year. According to the 2013 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) and the 2013 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study (YAFSS), the number of women aged 15-19 who have begun […]
Are Omega 3 Supplements Good for My Baby?

American Pregnancy Association encourages women to take Omega 3 supplements right from the time they are planning to conceive and continue through their breastfeeding. There are many benefits of taking these supplements as these are essential both for mum as well as baby. These omega-3 fats are not synthesized by the body and must be […]
Outbreak of Salmonella infections linked to red onions imported from the United States

While onions are generally considered safe to eat during pregnancy, a recent advisory from Public Health Agency of Canada states that red onions imported from US have a risk of salmonella infection based on 450+ reported cases across Canada. While salmonella infection is not considered very serious in healthy humans, it can be very risky […]
Keep your stress levels under control during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very special time for every woman and weather it is a first time mum or a mother tackling kids along with a new pregnancy, everyone deserves to experience a stress free time. You want to be at your calmest happiest self during this time so when the baby arrives with her demanding […]
What is an incompetent cervix? A mom shares her story of pregnancy loss

Incompetent cervix is a condition when the cervix opens in the second trimester due to pressure from growing baby and happens in women with weak cervical tissue. The issue is not very common and hence there is very limited awareness out there for this condition. Since symptoms are subtle and often overlap with other pregnancy […]
Experts conflicted on controversial caffeine – pregnancy study

When it comes to food advice soon after you get pregnant, coffee and alcohol top the list of foods to avoid. Pregnant women are advised to cut down their coffee and caffeine consumption to avoid any harmful effects on the baby. It is very difficult to completely cut down coffee if you are used to […]
What You Need To Know About Pregnancy Food Aversions

Pregnancy food cravings is the most popular subject amongst foodie mums-to-be. But in fact, it is very common to develop sudden aversion to certain foods during pregnancy. Quite like the opposite of food cravings. Meat, milk, spicy foods, coffee and other foods with strong smells are top candidates to develop food aversions. In most cases, […]
My Pregnancy Skincare Routine

Heard of the pregnancy glow? Well, it is not as pretty always. Pregnancy means your body is flushed with new hormones everyday, then there is morning sickness and nausea and all that tiredness. All this can show up on your skin in the form of melasma, acne and dullness. Just like when you are not […]
Author Heidi Murkoff And Her Daughter Emma Bing From “What To Expect” Pregnancy Podcast

She’s teamed up with her daughter to help women have healthy pregnancies. Author Heidi Murkoff & her daughter Emma Bing from the “What to Expect” franchise discuss maternal-child health and more when they take a Beyond the Mic: Short Cut. A week-by-week guide through your nine months of pregnancy and tips and information dads!
Mums-to-be are turning to Dr Google for pregnancy advice

Remember the two weeks between ovulation and date of your next period that you hoped won’t come so you could take the pregnancy test.. how many times did you Google “early signs of pregnancy“? Well, it seems you are not the only one! According to a study done by Vitbiotics, more women are turning to […]