Cooking with fumes when pregnant? This is how it affects your child

According to a study conducted in China on 45,518 pregnant women, there is a link between indoor pollution caused by cooking with fumes during pregnancy and hyperactivity in the children at 3 years of age. According to findings in the study, “Maternal exposure to cooking fumes during pregnancy was related to an increased risk of […]
Even low levels of alcohol during pregnancy may impact brain development in babies

According to a research study conducted by University of Sydney and recently published in American Journal of Psychiatry, low levels of alcohol consumption was found to have adverse effects on the brain development of children. The researchers investigated whether any alcohol consumption in pregnancy was related to psychological, behavioral, neural and cognitive differences in children […]
Helping Young Children Cope with the Return to Child Care

After the longer than usual break from daycare and nurseries, little ones are now returning to the routines slowly. Some separation anxiety and tears are expected. This time it is particularly hard for the little ones due to the longer time they’ve had with family cuddling and playing at home. It is even hard on […]
Maternal Stress During Pregnancy linked to Higher Infant Illness

A study led by researchers at UC San Francisco has recently been published on Aug. 19, 2020, in the Journal of Pediatrics to look at possible links between infant health and maternal perceptions of stress during and after pregnancy. The researchers assessed the health of the infants across the first year of life by examining […]
Childcare During Pandemic Damaging Women’s Career Prospects, Survey Reveals

New research study has been concluded by charity and campaign group, Pregnant Then Screwed, which has spoken to 3,686 pregnant women and mothers to understand what the impact of Covid 19 is having on their careers so far. The study found that 57% of employed mothers believe that their increased child care responsibilities during the […]
New Study Shows Babies Born in Fall Are at Higher Risk of Allergic Diseases

Allergies are on the rise in children and now researchers are discovering that allergies typically start with with dry, cracked skin, which leads to a chain reaction of allergic diseases known as the atopic march. It begins in infancy with eczema and leads to food allergies, asthma and hay fever later in childhood. According to […]
Unsure about Sex During Pregnancy? 5 Surprising Facts from Experts

In short, the answer is Yes. It is perfectly safe for you to have intercourse with your partner during pregnancy as long as your doctor or midwife have specifically advised you against it. Sex during pregnancy is also beneficial in many ways. Reasons why you should indulge in sex during pregnancy: Women who have an […]
Latest Research brings Welcome News for Pregnant Women with type 2 diabetes

Sinai Health in Canada along with researchers at Western Sydney University have conducted a study called “Metformin in women with Type 2 diabetes in pregnancy” (MiTy)”. The study included 502 pregnant women with Type 2 diabetes from 29 centers in Canada and Australia. The findings of the study are encouraging as it points to positive […]
Is Shape wear During Pregnancy Safe? A Medical Expert’s Opinion

While Kim Kardashian managed to break the internet yet again with the launch of her maternity shapewear line, there are views on both sides from pregnant women, beauty experts and celebrities. However, when it comes to safety during pregnancy, it is best to listen to medically backed advice. According to Lucky Sekhon, MD, a New […]
How one airman’s experiences gave birth to new policy on maternity uniforms

According to a U.S. Government Accountability Office study published mid 2020, family planning and child care are among the most common reasons women leave military service. US Air Force has recently been trying to address, surveying female airmen for input on maternity uniforms and investing in family planning resources. However, back in 2018, finding maternity […]
Can you train yourself to like foods you hate

Everyone talks about fussy eaters when it comes to toddlers. But what about adults? We all know that friend who is always too picky with what they order at restaurants and those who like to give additional instructions to remove and add ingredients in their dish. If you don’t know any such friend, it could […]
Pregnant MP in the UK leads campaign for expectant mums

There are numerous stories in the UK press of traumatic experiences of expectant mothers where their partners were not allowed to attend important scans or birth due to ongoing Covid restrictions. Read one such story here. Government guideline in UK allows partners to attend scans and birth, however certain NHS trusts are not allowing partners […]