Is it safe to have Waxgourd during pregnancy?

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What caution should I take with eating waxgourd when pregnant?

Wax Gourd, Winter melon, White gourd, Winter gourd, Tallow gourd, Chinese preserving melon, Ash gourd,
What caution should I take with eating waxgourd when pregnant

On the whole, waxgourd is a great addition to your pregnancy diet. It is rich in folate, preventing neural tube defects such as spina bifida in newborns. Additionally, its rich antioxidant content helps to eliminate free radicals and improves the immune system of expecting mothers. Also known as winter melon, this vegetable is rich in Vitamin B2, which helps prevent headaches during pregnancy. However, pregnant women should exercise caution and not eat this vegetable in excess as winter melon is a cold vegetable that may cause discomfort in the digestive system for some.


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