It is best to avoid excess consumption of foods containing corn syrup even when not pregnant as it contains high amounts of fructose. And unlike glucose which gets converted into energy, fructose found in corn syrup gets transformed into triglycerides, also raising the uric acid level in the body. During pregnancy, this means an underdeveloped foetus and a larger placenta. After birth, the baby’s body tries to compensate for this loss of foetal growth and results in a lifelong struggle with obesity.
Research consistently shows that high consumption of corn syrup results in obesity, type II diabetes, metabolic disorders and other health conditions. It has also been known to cause preeclampsia in pregnant women.
However and here’s the difficult part – from pizza, pasta and bread to ketchup, barbecue sauce and even cereal contain corn syrup. Even granola and protein bars and almost all pre-packaged foods contain some amount of corn syrup.
The verdict: Indulge your taste buds but in moderation and opt to eat healthy, whole foods rather than pre-packaged foods.