It is safe to eat sour cream or Creme Fraiche if it is made from pasteurized milk. It is best to avoid “barn door” versions sourced directly from small farms. Now when it comes to commercially available and packaged products, it will depend on which part of the World you are in. Countries such as USA, Canada (except Quebec), and Australia mandate all dairy products be made from pasteurized milk. While other countries such as UK, rest of Europe and New Zealand allow sale of raw milk products but have mandatory guidance on appropriate labeling of these products. If you are unsure, it is best to read the label to confirm.
Most chain restaurants use pasteurized brands of creme fraiche or sour cream. If you are eating at some local or farm eatery then it is better to check with them before eating.
When it comes to dips, while they are safe, just be aware that cross-contamination can happen easily with dips, particularly at parties or buffets. This is because people dip half eaten food back and different items are mixed while dipping. So it is best to avoid sharing dips and those that have been left uncovered at room temperature for a while as it can harbour harmful bacteria. Commercially packaged dips are safe.
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