Spinach contains salicylates that cause prolonged gestation and labor as well as chances of increased blood loss during delivery. So be careful with your spinach consumption during pregnancy. Additionally, daily intake of iron during pregnancy is recommended at 27mg; one cup of raw spinach contains about 0.81mg of iron. You must accordingly include and balance spinach with other sources of iron that you are consuming. Spinach also contains oxalates that may cause kidney stones, gas, bloating, and cramping in an expectant mother.
But other that these precautions, spinach is a great food item to include during your pregnancy. It contains folate, which helps protect the baby against neural tube defects such as spina bifida. The iron content in spincach helps prevent anemia. It also contains beta-carotene that converts into vitamin A and helps in the development of your unborn baby’s lungs. Further, spinach helps in preventing hemorrhoids and constipation, which helps during pregnancy.